OSGeo-Live 赞助者¶

开源地理信息基金会(OSGeo)为 OSGeo-Live 的开发和部署提供了主要的基础设施与人员支持,并为各个协作团队提供相关服务。

Jirotech 公司为 OSGeo-Live 中各软件的管理与整合提供了相关资源与人力。

Information Center for the Environment at the University of California, Davis provides hardware resources and development support to the OSGeo-Live project.
位于 Davis 市的加利福尼亚大学环境信息中心为 OSGeo-Live 的开发提供了硬件资源。

DebianGIS 和 UbuntuGIS 团队提供了 OSGeo-Live 中的许多核心软件,并进行质量监督。

The Australian Government’s Office of Spatial Data Management sponsored Jirotech’s review of Application Overviews, to achieve consistent, quality project write ups.
澳大利亚政府的空间信息管理处为 Jirotech 对 OSGeo-Live 的简介文档编写提供了赞助,保证了稳定和高质量的文档支持。
OSGeo 开源地理信息基金会¶
OSGeo 开源地理信息基金会 是一个非盈利性组织。其任务是支持和推广对开源地理信息技术和数据支持的协作开发。基金会对全球的开源地理信息技术团体提供经济、管理和法律上的支持。作为一个独立的法人实体,基金会接受其协作者提供的软件、资金和其它资源,并保证这些资源用于公共福利。基金会代表开源地理信息技术团体进行宣传和推广,并为不同项目间的协作提供基础与交流平台。
OSGeo 的所有项目成果均以通过 OSI 开源软件促进会认证的 协议 发布,可以自由地获取和使用。
这套 OSGeo-Live GIS 光盘(镜像)/ 虚拟机是基金会成员收集、整理和制作的成果,用于展示基金会成员所认同的自由开源地理信息软件(Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial ,即 FOSS4G)。我们也选用了一些非 OSGeo 项目的优秀成果,以期对您有所助益。基金会官方对所选用或涉及的任何软件、项目或公司不作出推荐或保证。
请注意,OSGeo 为您提供这些软件,希望其对您有益,但并不提供任何形式的保证,哪怕是对软件针对某一用途适用性的隐含的保证。
Name | Country | Osgeo_id | |
Activity Workshop | mail activityworkshop net | Switzerland | activityworkshop |
Alan Beccati | a.beccati jacobs-university de | Germany | rasdaman |
Alan Boudreault | aboudreault mapgears.com | Canada | aboudreault |
Alex Mandel | tech wildintellect com | USA | wildintellect |
Alexandre Dube | adube mapgears.com | Canada | adube |
Amy Gao | amy spatialfront com | China | amygao |
Andrea Antonello | andrea.antonello gmail com | Italy | moovida |
Angelos Tzotsos | tzotsos gmail com | Greece | kalxas |
Anton Patrushev | anton.patrushev gmail com | Japan | anton |
Antonio Santiago | asantiagop gmail com | Spain | asantiago |
Argyros Argyridis | arargyridis gmail com | Greece | arargyridis |
Ariel Núñez | ingenieroariel gmail com | Colombia | ingenieroariel |
Astrid Emde | astrid.emde wheregroup com | Germany | astrid_emde |
Balasubramaniam Natarajan | bala150985 gmail com | India | bullet |
Barry Rowlingson | b.rowlingson gmail com | UK | barryrowlingson |
Ben Caradoc-Davies | ben transient nz | New Zealand | bencaradocdavies |
Benjamin Pross | b.pross 52north org | Germany | spross |
Brian Hamlin | maplabs Light42 com | USA | darkblue_b |
Bruno Binet | bruno.binet camptocamp com | France | bbinet |
Bu Kun | bukun osgeo.cn | China | bukun |
Cameron Shorter | Cameron.Shorter jirotech com | Australia | camerons |
Dane Springmeyer | dane dbsgeo com | USA | springmeyer |
Daniel Kastl | daniel.kastl georepublic de | Japan | danielkastl |
Danilo Bretschneider | danilo bretsch net | Germany | bretschneider |
Dimitar Misev | d.misev jacobs-university de | Germany | misev |
Edgar Soldin | edgar.soldin web de | Germany | edso |
Eike Hinderk Jürrens | e.h.juerrens 52north org | Germany | ehjuerrens |
Eric Lemoine | eric.lemoine camptocamp com | France | erilem |
Erika Pillu | erika pillu gmail com | France | erikapillu |
Etienne Dube | etdube gmail com | Canada | etdube |
Eva Peters | eva.peters geops de | Germany | gevos |
Fabian Schindler | fabian.schindler eox at | Austria | fschindler |
Fran Boon | fran aidiq com | UK | flavour |
Frank Gasdorf | fgdrf users.sourceforge.net | Germany | fgdrf |
Frank Warmerdam | warmerdam pobox.com | USA | warmerdam |
François Prunayre | fx prunayre gmail com | France | fxp |
Friedjoff Trautwein | friedjoff.trautwein geops de | Germany | friedjoff |
Gabriele Prestifilippo | gabriele.prestifilippo gmail com | Italy | gabry501 |
Gavin Treadgold | gav rediguana co nz | New Zealand | rediguana |
Gerald Fenoy | gerald.fenoy geolabs fr | France | djay |
Guillaume Pasero | guillaume.pasero c-s fr | France | gpasero |
Guy Griffiths | guy griffiths rdg ac uk | UK | guygriffiths |
Hamish Bowman | hamish_b yahoo com | New Zealand | hamish |
Haruyuki Seki | hal georepublic co jp | Japan | halsk |
Henry Addo | henry ushahidi com | Ghana | eyedol |
Hernan Olivera | lholivera gmail com | Argentina | hernanolivera |
Howard Butler | hobu gmail com | USA | hobu |
Ian Edwards | ian edwards metoffice gov uk | UK | ian |
Ian Turton | ijturton gmail com | UK | ianturton |
Jackie Ng | jumpinjackie gmail com | Australia | jng |
Jakob Miksch | jakob miksch posteo eu | Germany | Magicgate |
Jan Drewnak | j.drewnak 52north com | Germany | drewnak |
Jane Lewis | j p lewis rdg ac uk | ? | ? |
Javier Rodrigo | jrodrigo scolab es | Spain | jrodrigo |
Jim Klassen | klassen.js gmail com | USA | jimk |
Jinsongdi Yu | j.yu jacobs-university de | Germany | rasdaman |
Jody Garnett | jgarnett gmail com | Australia | jive |
Johan Van de Wauw | johan vandewauw gmail.com | Belgium | johanvdw |
John Bryant | johnwbryant gmail com | Australia | jbryant |
Jorge Sanz | jsanz gvsig com | Spain | jsanz |
José Vicente Higón | jvhigon gvsig com | Spain | jvhigon |
Judit Mays | mays lat-lon de | Germany | jmays |
Klokan Petr Pridal | klokan klokan cz | Switzerland | klokan |
Kristof Lange | kristof.lange uni-muenster de | Germany | kristoflange |
Lance McKee | lmckee opengeospatial org | USA | ? |
Larry Shaffer | larrys dakotacarto com | USA | larrysh |
Luca Delucchi | lucadeluge gmail com | Italy | lucadelu |
Mage Whopper | magewhopper gmail com | Japan | Magepa |
Marc-André Barbeau | mbarbeau mapgears com | Canada | mbarbeau |
Manuel Grizonnet | manuel.grizonnet cnes fr | France | manuelgrizonnet |
Margherita Di Leo | dileomargherita gmail com | Italy | madi |
Mario Carrera | mcarrera gvsig com | Spain | mcarrera77 |
Mark Leslie | mark leslie lisasoft com | Australia | mleslie |
Markus Neteler | neteler osgeo.org | Italy | neteler |
Massimo Di Stefano | massimodisasha yahoo it | Italy | epifanio |
Micha Silver | micha arava co il | Israel | micha |
Michael Owonibi | m.owonibi jacobs-university de | Germany | mowonibi |
Michaël Michaud | michael michaud free fr | France | michaudm |
Mike Adair | madair dmsolutions ca | Canada | madair |
Milan P. Antonovic | milan.antonovic supsi.ch | Switzerland | Mantonovic |
Nathaniel V. Kelso | nathaniel kelsocartography com | USA | ? |
Ned Horning | horning amnh org | USA | nedhorning |
Nicolas Roelandt | baka niko gmail com | France | Roelandtn |
Oliver Tonnhofer | olt omniscale de | Germany | olt |
Patric Hafner | patric.hafner geops de | Germany | phaf |
Paul Meems | p.meems topx-group nl | The Netherlands | pmeems |
Pirmin Kalberer | pka sourcepole com | Switzerland | pka |
Regina Obe | lr pcorp us | USA | robe |
Ricardo Pinho | rpinho_eng yahoo com br | Portugal | rpinho |
Roald de Wit | osgeo rdewit net | Australia | rdewit |
Roberto Antolin | rantolin geo gmail com | Spain | rantolin |
Robin Lovelace | rob00x gmail com | UK | robinlovelace |
Ruth Schoenbuchner | ruth.schoenbuchner csgis.de | Germany | rscsgis |
Scott Penrose | scottp dd com au | Australia | scottp |
Sergio Baños | sbc saig es | Spain | sbcalvo |
Sergey Popov | sergobot256 gmail com | Russia | sergobot |
Simon Cropper | scropper botanicusaustralia com au | Australia | simoncropper |
Simon Pigot | simon.pigot csiro au | Australia | simonp |
Stefan A. Tzeggai | gp geopublishing org | Germany | alfonx |
Stefan Hansen | stefan.hansen lisasoft com | Australia | shansen |
Stefan Steiniger | sstein geo uzh ch | Canada/Chile | mentaer |
Stephan Meissl | stephan meissl name | Austria | schpidi |
Steve Lime | sdlime gmail com | USA | sdlime |
Takayuki Nuimura | nekogahora gmail com | Japan | nuimura |
Thierry Badard | tbadard spatialytics com | Canada | tbadard |
Thomas Gratier | thomas gratier gmail com | France | thomasg |
Tom Kralidis | tomkralidis gmail com | Canada | tomkralidis |
Trevor Wekel | trevor_wekel otxsystems com | Canada | trevorwekel |
Matthias Streulens | matthias.streulens geomajas org | Belgium | streulma |
Victor Poughon | victor.poughon cnes fr | France | poughov |
Vlad Merticariu | vkadmerti gmail com | Germany | vmerticariu |
Zoltan Siki | siki agt bme hu | Hungary | Siki |
Language | i18n code | Name | Country | Osgeo_id | |
Catalan | ca | Òscar Fonts | Spain | oscar.fonts gmail com | oscarfonts |
Catalan | ca | Raf Roset | Spain | rafroset gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Anna Muñoz | Spain | a.munyoz.b gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Cristhian Pin | Spain | cpinperez gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Marc Torres | Spain | geoinquiet gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Assumpció Termens | Spain | atermens gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Estela Llorente | Spain | estela.llorente gmail com | |
Catalan | ca | Roger Veciana | Spain | rveciana gmail.com | |
German | de | Astrid Emde | Germany | astrid emde wheregroup com | astrid_emde |
German | de | Daniel Kastl | Germany | daniel georepublic de | danielkastl |
German | de | Dominik Helle | Germany | helle omniscale de | |
German | de | Eva Peters | Germany | eva.peters geops de | gevos |
German | de | Frank Gasdorf | Germany | fgdrf users.sourceforge.net | fgdrf |
German | de | Jakob Miksch | Germany | jakob miksch posteo eu | Magicgate |
German | de | Lars Lingner | Germany | lars lingner eu | gislars |
German | de | Otto Dassau | Germany | dassau gbd-consult de | dassau |
German | de | Ruth Schoenbuchner | Germany | ruth schoenbuchner csgis de | |
German | de | Thomas Baschetti | Germany | info thomas-baschetti de | tbaschett |
Greek | el | Angelos Tzotsos | Greece | tzotsos gmail com | kalxas |
Greek | el | Christos Iossifidis | Greece | chiossif gmail com | chiossif |
Greek | el | Argyros Argyridis | Greece | arargyridis gmail com | Argy7 |
Greek | el | Aikaterini Kapsampeli | Greece | kapsamp mail ntua gr | topometal |
Greek | el | Maria Vakalopoulou | Greece | mariavak8 hotmail com | mariavak |
Spanish | es | Agustín Díez | Spain | adiez uv es | |
Spanish | es | David Mateos | Spain | porquewhich hotmail com | |
Spanish | es | Hernan Olivera | Argentina | lholivera gmail com | hernanolivera |
Spanish | es | Javier Sánchez | Spain | jsgisdev gmail com | jsanchez |
Spanish | es | Jesús Gómez | Spain | je_gomez terra es | |
Spanish | es | Jorge Arévalo | Spain | jorge.arevalo deimos-space com | jorgear |
Spanish | es | Jorge Sanz | Spain | jsanz osgeo org | jsanz |
Spanish | es | José Antonio Canalejo | Germany | jacanalejo yahoo es | |
Spanish | es | Mauricio Miranda | Argentina | mmiranda xoomcode com | |
Spanish | es | Mauricio Pazos | Spain | mauricio.pazos gmail com | mpazos |
Spanish | es | Òscar Fonts | Spain | oscar.fonts gmail com | oscarfonts |
Spanish | es | Pedro-Juan Ferrer | Spain | pferrer osgeo org | pferrer |
Spanish | es | Roberto Antolín | Spain | rantolin.geo gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Samuel Mesa | Colombia | samuelmesa gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Valenty González | Venezuela | vgonzalez gvsig com | gvalenty |
Spanish | es | Lucía Sanjaime | Spain | llusancal gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Andrea Yanza | Columbia | andreavyanzah gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Diego González | Spain | iberdiego gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Nacho Varela | Spain | nachouve gmail com | |
Spanish | es | Mario Andino | Paraguay | armra hotmail es | |
Spanish | es | Virginia Vergara | Mexico | vicky at georepublic dot de | cvvergara |
French | fr | Thomas Gratier | France | thomas gratier gmail com | thomasg |
French | fr | Christophe Tufféry | France | c tuffery gmail com | ctuffery |
French | fr | Marc-André Barbeau | Canada | mbarbeau mapgears com | mbarbeau |
French | fr | Etienne Delay | France | etienne delay gmail com | 8449 |
French | fr | Erika Pillu | France | erika pillu gmail com | erikapillu |
French | fr | Nicolas Roelandt | France | baka niko gmail com | roelandtn |
Hungarian | hu | Zoltan Siki | Hungary | siki agt bme hu | siki |
Indonesian | id | M Iqnaul Haq Siregar | Indonesia | iqnaulhaq gmail com | iqna |
Indonesian | id | Andry Rustanto | Indonesia | rustanto.id gmail com | andry |
Italian | it | Alessandro Furieri | Italy | a.furieri lqt it | |
Italian | it | Antonio Falciano | Italy | ||
Italian | it | Diego Migliavacca | Italy | diego.migliavacca gmail com | diegom |
Italian | it | Elena Mezzini | Italy | ||
Italian | it | Giuseppe Calamita | Italy | ||
Italian | it | Luca Delucchi | Italy | lucadeluge gmail com | lucadelu |
Italian | it | Marco Puppin | Italy | puppingeo gmail com | |
Italian | it | Marco Curreli | Italy | marcocurreli tiscali it | marcocur |
Italian | it | Margherita Di Leo | Italy | dileomargherita gmail com | madi |
Italian | it | Massimo Di Stefano | Italy | massimodisasha gmail com | |
Italian | it | Matteo De Stefano | Italy | mdlux | |
Italian | it | Pasquale Di Donato | Italy | pasquale.didonato gmail com | |
Italian | it | Roberta Fagandini | Italy | ||
Japanese | ja | Haruyuki Seki | Japan | hal georepublic.co jp | |
Japanese | ja | Nobusuke Iwasaki | Japan | wata909 gmail com | |
Japanese | ja | Toshikazu Seto | Japan | tosseto gmail com | |
Japanese | ja | Yoichi Kayama | Japan | yoichi.kayama gmail com | |
Japanese | ja | Takayuki Nuimura | Japan | nekogahora gmail com | nuimura |
Japanese | ja | Hirofumi Hayashi | Japan | hayashi apptec co jp | |
Japanese | ja | Ko Nagase | Japan | nagase georepublic co jp | sanak |
Korean | kr | Hyeyeong Choe | Korea | hychoe ucdavis.edu | hychoe |
Polish | pl | Milena Nowotarska | Poland | do.milenki gmail com | milenan |
Polish | pl | Damian Wojsław | Poland | damian wojslaw pl | trochej |
Russian | ru | Alexander Bruy | Ukraine | voltron ua.fm | Voltron |
Russian | ru | Alexander Muriy | Russia | amuriy gmail.com | amuriy |
Russian | ru | Alexey Ardyakov | Russia | ardjakov rambler.ru | Ariki |
Russian | ru | Andrey Syrokomskiy | Ukraine | signmotion gmail.com | Andrey Syr |
Russian | ru | Anton Novichikhin | Russia | novi-mail mail.ru | novia |
Russian | ru | Daria Svidzinska | Ukraine | d.svidzinska gmail.com | darsvid |
Russian | ru | Denis Rykov | Russia | rykovd gmail.com | Denis Rykov |
Russian | ru | Dmitry Baryshnikov | Russia | polimax mail.ru | Bishop |
Russian | ru | Evgeny Nikulin | Russia | nikulin.e gmail.com | yellow-sky |
Russian | ru | Ilya Filippov | Russia | filip83pov yandex.ru | bolotoved |
Russian | ru | Grigory Rozhentsov | Russia | grozhentsov gispro.ru | grozhentso |
Russian | ru | Maxim Dubinin | Russia | sim gis-lab.info | Maxim Dubinin |
Russian | ru | Nadiia Gorash | UK | Nadiia.gorash gmail.com | Nadiia |
Russian | ru | Pavel | Russia | pashtet51 gmail.com | Pavel |
Russian | ru | Sergey Grachev | Russia | ergo list.ru | ergo |
Russian | ru | Vera | Russia | vera probki.net | Geo-U-Piter |
Russian | ru | Alexander Kleshnin | Russia | a.hast mail ru | HasT |
Russian | ru | kuzkok | Russia | kuzkok gmail.com | kuzkok |
Chinese | zh | Bu Kun | China | bukun osgeo.cn | bukun |
Chinese | zh | Xianfeng Song | China | song.osgeo gmail com | |
Chinese | zh | Jing Wang | China | wangjing-2008-jing 163 com | |
Chinese | zh | Zhengfan Lin | China | public t lin gmail com | tanner |