Contact Us¶
OSGeo-Live development is coordinated via email and internet chat (IRC) as detailed on the OSGeo Wiki.
This Live GIS disc and virtual-machine has been put together by members of the OSGeo community to showcase their favourite Free and Open Source (FOSS) geospatial software. We’ve included a number of non-OSGeo software packages, from both the spatial and non-spatial realms, which we hope you will find to be as useful as we do. The OSGeo Foundation does not recommend or guarantee any associated software, projects, or companies found within.
These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
For additional information on the distribution of each program review their license as indicated on the page for each program.
Community Support¶
If you have any questions, comments, or run into any problems, please drop us a note on our mailing list.
Searchable archives of the mailing list are hosted by Nabble.
IRC users might try the #osgeolive or #osgeo channel at for real-time assistance.
A wealth of information is available on our Wiki site, and a bug and wish tracking system is also available.
Commercial Support¶

Jirotech provide commercial support for the building of the Live DVD, as well as many of the applications packaged in it. Details at:
Most packaged applications have both community and commercial support offerings for them. Refer to specific application descriptions linked from the Contents for details.
In addition, there are a large number of consultancy firms world wide who provide support for OSGeo member projects. See for one that meets your needs.