GeoTools jest otwartą (LGPL) biblioteką Java, która dostarcza zgodnych ze sandardami metod do przetwarzania danych geoprzestrzennych. Używa ona struktur danych opartych o specyfikacje Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).

GeoTools znajduje zastosowanie w wielu projektach, włączając usługi sieciowe, narzędzia wiersza poleceń i aplikacje desktopowe. Aplikacje OSGeo-Live, które używają GeoTools, to: 52°North SOS, 52°North WPS, AtlasStyler, Geomajas, Geopublisher, GeoServer, and User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig).
Główne funkcje¶
Definition of interfaces for key spatial concepts and data structures
- Integrated Geometry support provided by JTS Topology Suite (JTS)
- Attribute and spatial filters using OGC Filter Encoding specification
A clean data access API supporting feature access, transaction support and locking between threads
- Access GIS data in many file formats and spatial databases
- Coordinate reference system and transformation support
- Work with an extensive range of map projections
- filter and analyze data in terms of spatial and non-spatial attributes
A stateless, low memory renderer, particularly useful in server-side environments.
- compose and display maps with complex styling
Powerful schema assisted parsing technology using XML Schema to bind to GML content
- The parsing / encoding technology is provided with bindings for many OGC standards including GML, Filter, KML, SLD, and SE.
GeoTools Plugins: open plug-in system allowing you to teach the library additional formats
- Plug-ins for the ImageIO-EXT project allowing GeoTools to read additional raster formats from GDAL
GeoTools Extensions
- Provide additional capabilities built using the spatial facilites of the core library.
- Extensions provide graph and networking support (for finding the shortest path), validation, a web map server client, bindings for xml parsing and encoding and color brewer.
GeoTools Unsupported
- GeoTools also operates as part of a wider community with a staging area used to foster new talent and promote experimentation.
- Some highlights are swing support (used in geotools tutorials), swt, local and web process support, additional symbology, additional data formats, generation of grids and a couple of implementations of ISO Geometry.
Obsługiwane formaty¶
raster formats and data access:
arcsde, arcgrid, geotiff, grassraster, gtopo30, image (JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG), imageio-ext-gdal, imagemoasaic, imagepyramid, JP2K, matlab.
Database “jdbc-ng” support:
db2, h2, mysql, oracle, postgis, spatialite, sqlserver.
Vector formats and data access:
app-schema, arcsde, csv, dxf, edigeo, excel, geojson, org, property, shapefile, wfs.
XML Bindings:
Java data structures and bindings provided for the following: xsd-core (xml simple types), fes, filter, gml2, gml3, kml, ows, sld, wcs, wfs, wms, wps, vpf.
Additional Geometry, Filter and Style parser/encoders available for DOM and SAX applications.
Zaimplementowane standardy¶
Support of numerous Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards:
- OGC Style Layer Descriptor / Symbology Encoding data structures and rendering engine
- OGC General Feature Model including Simple Feature support
- OGC Grid Coverage representation of raster information
- OGC Filter and Common Constraint Language (CQL)
- Clients for Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Map Service (WMS) and experimental support for Web Process Service (WPS)
- ISO 19107 Geometry
Strona internetowa: http://geotools.org/
Licencja: LGPL
Wersja programu: 8.0
Systemy operacyjne: Cross Platform Java
Interfejsy API: Java
Wsparcie: Communication and Support