


3D Globes and 2D Maps in a Browser

Cesium is a JavaScript library for creating 3D globes and 2D maps in a web browser without any plugins. It uses WebGL for hardware-accelerated graphics, and is cross-platform, cross-browser, and tuned for dynamic-data visualization.

cesium screenshot

Core Features

  • Dynamic Geospatial Visualization:

    • Create data-driven, time-dynamic scenes with CZML.

    • Visualize high-resolution worldwide terrain.

    • Draw imagery layers using WMS, TMS, OpenStreetMaps, Bing, and Esri standards.

    • Draw vector data from GeoJSON and TopoJSON.

    • Draw 3D models using COLLADA and glTF.

    • Use plugins to extend Cesium.

  • Built for Performance and Precision:

    • Optimized WebGL with batching and culling efficiently uses hardware-accelerated graphics.

    • Draw a wide range of geometries including polylines, polygons, billboards, labels, extrusions, and corridors.

    • Use 3D Tiles to stream, style and interact with heterogeneous 3D data, including photogrammetry models, 3D buildings, CAD and BIM exterior and interiors, and point clouds.

    • Control the camera and create flight paths.

    • Use standard widgets to control animation time, select imagery layers, and zoom to a location.

  • One API, Three Views:

    • Cesium supports a 3D globe, 2D map, and 2.5D Columbus View with the same API.

Implemented Standards

  • WMS and WMTS


Website: https://cesium.com/

Licence: Apache 2.0 license

Software Version: 1.106

Supported Platforms: Platform independent, depends only on a browser which supports WebGL

Community Support: Forum at https://community.cesium.com
