ORFEO Toolbox Library (OTB) is a high performance image processing library. It is primarily used for processing remote sensing images such as those gathered by radars, satellites and aerial photography. OTB provides tools for the future optic and radar images (tridimensional aspects, segmentation, classification, changes detection, texture analysis, pattern matching, optic/radar complementarities,).
OTB has been funded the French Space Agency (CNES) in the frame of the Methodological Part of the ORFEO Accompaniement Program and has been actively developed since 2006. It is based on the established medical image processing library ITK and is distributed as open source.
Strona internetowa: http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/
Wersja programu: 3.14.1 (released in October 2012)
Systemy operacyjne: Linux, Mac, Windows
Interfejsy API: C++ (bindings in Java and Python available)
Wsparcie komercyjne: http://www.osgeo.org/search_profile