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Multi-Dimensional Raster Database

Rasdaman extends standard relational databases to provide storage and retrieval of multi-dimensional raster data (i.e., arrays) of unlimited size using an SQL-style raster query language with highly effective server-side optimization. Data are stored in a PostgreSQL database, thereby achieving tight information integration. A rasdaman driver is a part of the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) library for geospatial data formats, a MapServer integration is available in beta. Access interfaces include OGC WCS, WCPS, and WPS, as well as C++ and Java APIs in addition to the rasdaman raster query language.

The rasdaman technology is stable and mature, deployed in production since over 10 years; the French National Geographic Institute runs rasdaman on a dozen-Terabyte airborne image map. At the ACM Principles of Database Systems Conference in 2007, raster database expert Rona Machlin characterizes rasdaman as “the most comprehensive implementation of such a system”.


Core Features

  • true multi-dimensionality - from 1-D over 2-D to 3-D, 4-D, and beyond
  • powerful, flexible query language for tasks such as visualization, classification, convolution, aggregation, and many more geospatial functions
  • spatial indexing anda adaptive tiling for fast data access
  • tile streaming for scalability and high performance on moderate hardware
  • multi-user support through server multiplexing
  • full information integration of raster data with all other geographic data in the PostgreSQL database

Implemented Standards

  • OGC WCS 2.0, WCPS 1.0, WPS 1.0




  • clients and petascope: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3
  • server engine: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3

Software Version: 8.3

Supported Platforms: Linux, Mac, Solaris

API Interfaces: rasql, C++, Java; OGC-based WCS, WCPS, WCS-T, and WPS interfaces


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