
EOxServer Quickstart

EOxServer is a server for presenting big Earth Observation (EO) data archives and metadata via Open Standards. It builds upon an Open Source stack of software which includes Python, MapServer, Django/GeoDjango, GDAL, PROJ.4 and a SpatiaLite or PostGIS database.

This Quick Start describes how to:

  • Use the Web Client to view, filter, subset, and download EO data
  • Use the Admin Client to inspect EO data archives

Start EoxServer

Choose Geospatial ‣ Web Services ‣ EOxServer. This launches a browser showing the demonstration instance available at http://localhost/eoxserver/

EOxServer demonstration start

Work with the Web Client

Click the Web Client link to open the integrated EOxServer client.

Within this client you can explore the contents of the EOxServer instance. The demonstration instance is filled with ENVISAT MERIS scenes.

Main view of the EOxServer Web Client

The client provides a set of interactions. On the top you can see a menu bar to show the Layer Selection and the Tools widgets. The main area is the map widget of the client with a set of datasets already displayed. On the bottom, you’ll find the timeslider widget, that allows you to explore the contents in the temporal dimension.

EOxServer demonstration embedded client outlines

The Layer Selection widget allows you to enable or disable the visibility and configure the rendering of the layers. Also, you can show or hide the streets-overlay and select the background layer. Please note, that when you disable the “MER FRS 1P RGB reduced” layer, the timeslider widget is hidden and only reappears once a layer dataset layer is enabled. The Tools widget provides three different tools: the Bounding Box Selection Tool, the Selection Management Tool and the Download Tool.

EOxServer demonstration embedded client outlines

Similar to a map, you can zoom and pan the currently visible time of interest and select a time of interest by drawing on the area containing the red dots. You can also hover on a dot to see the dataset ID. By clicking on the dot, the map automatically zooms to the extent of the dataset.

EOxServer demonstration embedded client outlines

When the Bounding Box Tool is enabled, you can draw a bounding box directly on the map. The bounding box is used for querying within the Download Tool.

EOxServer demonstration embedded client outlines

When the Download Tool is enabled, a query to the server is sent. This query include s the selected time of interest and bounding box. The results are shown in the Download widget, where you can select the format, projection and datasets to download.

This was a quick introduction to the EOxServer Web Client. Please refer to the online documentation for more information on this topic.

Work with the Admin Client

From the EOxServer main page, click the Admin Client link and login with user admin and password admin.

EOxServer demonstration admin client login

The Admin Client is Djangos standard admin and allows you to configure the available data. Please feel free to explore the client. More information can be found in the operators’ guide.

EOxServer demonstration admin client start

For example, you can inspect the dataset series that is loaded by default by clicking the “Dataset Series” link and then the “MER_FRS_1P_RGB_reduced” link.

EOxServer demonstration admin client Dataset Series

Here you can also see the included datasets. You can exclude single datasets using the “delete” checkbox on the right and click on “Save”.

EOxServer demonstration admin client Dataset Series Management

What Next?

This is a simple demonstration, but you can do much more with EOxServer. The project website contains a lot of resources to help you get started. Here’s a few resources to check out next: