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Desktop GIS

QGIS is a user friendly, Open Source, GIS client where you can visualize, manage, edit, analyse data, and compose printable maps. It includes powerful analytical functionality through integration with GRASS, SAGA, Orfeo Toolbox , GDAL/OGR and many other algorithm providers. It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows and supports numerous vector, raster and database formats and functionality.

qgis screenshot

Core Features

  • Friendly graphical user interface:

    • identify/select features
    • edit/view/search attributes
    • on the fly projection
    • print composer
    • feature labeling
    • change vector and raster symbology
    • add a graticule layer
    • and more …
  • Easy Viewing of many Vector and Raster Formats

    • database tables: PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, MS SQL Spatial, SpatiaLite
    • most vector formats: including ESRI shapefiles, MapInfo, SDTS and GML, OpenStreetMap vectors
    • raster formats such as digital elevation models, aerial photography or landsat imagery
    • GRASS locations and mapsets
    • online spatial data served as OGC-compliant WMS, WMTS, WFS or WCS
    • 2.5D rendering support
  • Create, edit and export spatial data using:

    • digitizing tools for GRASS and shapefile formats
    • the georeferencer plugin
    • GPS tools to import and export GPX format, convert other GPS formats to GPX, or down/upload directly to a GPS unit
  • Perform spatial analysis using integrated support for SAGA, OTB, MMGIS and GRASS

    • map algebra
    • terrain analysis
    • hydrologic modeling
    • network analysis
    • comprehensive searchable toolbox of functions
    • define and run reusable analysis routines by chaining functions using a graphical modelling tool
    • and many others
  • Publish to the internet

  • Extensible plugin architecture

Implemented Standards

  • OGC standards compliant (WMS, WFS, … )


Website: http://www.qgis.org

Licence: GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2

Software Version: 2.18.17

Supported Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix

Community Support: http://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/support.html

Commercial Support: http://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.html