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Browser GIS Client

The Client enables developers to create powerful web GIS applications including interactive maps, extensible widgets and custom use cases. It allows access to a wide range of data sources and functionality through a web browser.

geomajas screenshot

Core Features

  • Programmable using pure Java through GWT
  • Supports many layer types (incl. WMS, WFS, WMTS, TMS, OSM, Google Maps, Shape, PostGIS, Oracle, JDBC, …)
  • Handy collection of built-in widgets (incl. Editing and redlining, Print, Geocoding, Layer tree, …)
  • Build your own use cases and create new widgets
  • Easy skinnable through custom CSS
  • No need for browser plug-ins
  • Runs on a wide range of internet devices using HTML5
  • Not a GWT enthusiast? Access core features through the Javascript API

Enterprise Server features

  • Advanced security on different levels (layer, feature, attribute, functionality, …)
  • Seamless integration with your own Domain Model – persistence via Hibernate, web services, Java RMI, …
  • Enterprise integration with other business applications such as JBPM, Activiti, JasperReports, CMS, Alfresco through industry standards (SOAP, REST, ESB, JNDI, …)
  • Easy extensible through the Spring framework


Website: http://www.geomajas.org/

Licence: AGPL

Software Version: NA

Supported Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac

API Interfaces: Java and Javascript

Support: http://www.osgeo.org/node/725?SET=1&MUL_TECH[]=00089