52°North WPS¶
Web Service¶
The 52°North Web Processing Service (WPS) enables web access to geospatial processing algorithms provided by Sextante, ArcGIS Server, R, GRASS 7, or custom developed functions. Algorithms may be as simple as determining the difference in influenza cases between two different seasons, or as complicated as a global climate change model.

Core Features¶
Core GIS functions:
- SimpleBufferAlgorithm
- DouglasPeuckerAlgorithm
- IntersectionAlgorithm
- AddRasterValuesAlgorithm
- CoordinateTransformAlgorithm
Backend algorithms available through:
- Sextante
- ArcGIS Server
- R
Input and Output formats supported:
- Vector Data: GML2, GML3, SHP files, KML, WKT (Well-known Text), DGN
- Raster Data: Geotiff, AsciiGrid, NetCDF, JPEG, PNG, HDF-EOS, ERDAS HFA
A browser based client
Implemented Standards¶
- OGC Web Processing Service (WPS)
- OGC GML2 SimpleFeatures
- OGC GML3 SimpleFeatures
Website: http://52north.org/wps
Licence: GPL
Software Version: WPS 3.6.1
Supported Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac
Commercial Support: http://www.52north.org