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TinyOWS Quickstart

TinyOWS is a high performance, Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS-T) which is light weight and easy to deploy, using a CGI or FastCGI interface and using PostGIS for data storage.

This Quick Start describes how to:

  • display a WFS layer in QGIS
  • edit a WFS layer using WFS-T in QGIS

Display a WFS layer with QGIS

  1. Click Desktop ‣ Desktop GIS ‣ Quantum GIS.
  2. Click Layer ‣ Add PostGIS Layer....
    • We display the original PostGIS layer first
  3. Press New.
  4. Fill in tinyows_demo as Connection name and Database
  5. Press OK.
  6. Press Connect.
  7. Select france in the table list
  8. Press Add.
  9. Zoom in
  10. Click Layer ‣ Add WFS Layer....
    • Now we add a WFS layer based on the same table
  11. Press New.
  12. Fill in tinyows as name http://localhost/cgi-bin/tinyows as URL
  13. Press OK.
  14. Press Connect.
  15. Select ows:france in the layer list
  16. Check Only request features overlapping the current view extent.
  17. Press OK.
    • WFS layer is now displayed:

Edit data with WFS-T

  1. Click Layer ‣ Toggle Editing.
  2. Click Edit ‣ Node Tool.
  3. Move a vertex (cross) to another position
  4. Click Layer ‣ Save edits.
  5. Hide layer unchecking tows:france in the layer list
    • You should see the edited way in an other color, coming directly from PostGIS.

What Next?

To learn more about TinyOWS, a starting point is the TinyOWS Documentation on the MapServer homepage.