../../_images/logo_pgrouting.png ../../_images/OSGeo_community.png

Guida rapida pgRouting

pgRouting è un’estensione che aggiunge funzionalità di routing e altre analisi di rete ai database PostGIS/PostgreSQL.

Abilita pgRouting in un database

In questo esempio creererai un database chiamato city_routing e abiliterai pgRouting nel database.

  • Apri una finestra System Tools ‣ QTerminal ed eseguire lo strumento a riga di comando confezionato con PostgreSQL psql.


Al prompt di psql, digita:

CREATE DATABASE city_routing;
\connect city_routing;

Puoi verificare la tua installazione eseguendo questo:

SELECT * FROM pgr_version();
(1 row)

La tua versione dovrebbe essere 3.1.0 o superiore

Esci dal database


Caricamento dei dati OSM con osm2pgrouting

osm2pgrouting è uno strumento a riga di comando per caricare file .osm nel database con un formato compatibile con pgRouting.

Controlla la versione installata

osm2pgrouting --version

La risposta mostra

This is osm2pgrouting Version 2.3.6

Carica i dati dal file osm:

bzcat data/osm/feature_city.osm.bz2 > /tmp/feature_city.osm
osm2pgrouting \
  -f /tmp/feature_city.osm \
  -h localhost \
  -U user \
  -d city_routing \
  -p 5432 \
  -W user \
rm /tmp/feature_city.osm

L’output dovrebbe essere qualcosa come:

Execution starts at: Thu Jan 21 16:25:38 2021

           COMMAND LINE CONFIGURATION             *
Filename = /tmp/feature_city.osm
Configuration file = /usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig_for_cars.xml
host = localhost
port = 5432
dbname = city_routing
username = user
prefix =
suffix =
Don't drop tables
Don't create indexes
Don't add OSM nodes
Testing database connection: city_routing
database connection successful: city_routing
Connecting to the database
connection success

Creating tables...
TABLE: ways_vertices_pgr created ... OK.
TABLE: ways created ... OK.
TABLE: pointsofinterest created ... OK.
TABLE: configuration created ... OK.
Opening configuration file: /usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig_for_cars.xml
    Parsing configuration

Exporting configuration ...
  - Done
Counting lines ...
  - Done
Opening data file: /tmp/feature_city.osm        total lines: 844044
    Parsing data

End Of file

    Finish Parsing data

Adding auxiliary tables to database...

Export Ways ...
    Processing 37373 ways:
[**************************|                        ] (53%) Total processed: 20000       Vertices inserted: 8126        Split ways inserted 10253
[**************************************************|] (100%) Total processed: 37373      Vertices inserted: 1423        Split ways inserted 3385

Creating indexes ...

Processing Points of Interest ...
size of streets: 37373
Execution started at: Thu Jan 21 16:25:38 2021
Execution ended at:   Thu Jan 21 16:25:42 2021
Elapsed time: 4.645 Seconds.
User CPU time: -> 2.36362 seconds

Controlla i dati importati

Connetti al database city_routing

psql city_routing

Il comando \d elencherà tutte le tabelle e le sequenze disponibili

                  List of relations
 Schema |           Name           |   Type   | Owner
 public | configuration            | table    | user
 public | configuration_id_seq     | sequence | user
 public | geography_columns        | view     | user
 public | geometry_columns         | view     | user
 public | pointsofinterest         | table    | user
 public | pointsofinterest_pid_seq | sequence | user
 public | spatial_ref_sys          | table    | user
 public | ways                     | table    | user
 public | ways_gid_seq             | sequence | user
 public | ways_vertices_pgr        | table    | user
 public | ways_vertices_pgr_id_seq | sequence | user
(11 rows)

osm2pgrouting carica gli identificatori OSM osm_id e genera anche un identificatore univoco per tutti i dati: id sui vertici, gid sui bordi.

SELECT id, osm_id
FROM ways_vertices_pgr
WHERE id IN(100,600);

I risultati sono:

 id  |  osm_id
 100 | 81622364
 600 | 82708785
(2 rows)

Inner Query

La maggior parte delle funzioni pgRouting hanno un parametro che è un’istruzione SQL, si chiama inner query

Lo statement SQL interno deve sempre avere i nomi dei campi id, source, target, e cost con reverse_cost come opzionale.

Query interna che usa gid come identificatore dei segmenti

SELECT gid as id,
       source, target,
       cost, reverse_cost
FROM ways

Query interna che usa gid come identificatore dei segmenti e la lunghezza come costo senza l’opzionale reverse_cost.

SELECT gid as id,
       source, target,
       length AS cost
FROM ways


Esegui la funzione di percorso più breve di Dijkstra basata sul tempo in secondi per attraversare un segmento su un grafo indiretto, usando id come identificatore di un vertice

FROM pgr_dijkstra(
  'SELECT gid as id,
          source, target,
          cost_s AS cost, reverse_cost_s AS reverse_cost
  FROM ways',
  100, 600,
  directed => false

I risultati sono:

 seq | path_seq | node | edge  |      cost          |       agg_cost
   1 |        1 |  100 |  6199 |  8.994104012024671 |                  0
   2 |        2 | 4360 |   152 | 2.8524015038110697 |  8.994104012024671
   3 |        3 |  101 |   511 | 2.4123361340227754 |  11.84650551583574
   4 |        4 |  322 |   707 |   3.63955931676029 | 14.258841649858514
   5 |        5 |  448 |   705 | 2.9567136964053367 | 17.898400966618805
   6 |        6 |  445 |   662 |  4.185190538775397 | 20.855114663024143
   7 |        7 |  415 |   663 | 1.2667248968947813 |  25.04030520179954
   8 |        8 |  442 |   699 |  6.371427985640729 |  26.30703009869432
   9 |        9 |  593 |   913 | 2.5897354220718807 |  32.67845808433505
  10 |       10 |  438 |   693 | 5.5261229396496585 |  35.26819350640693
  11 |       11 | 1573 |  2421 |  7.003475952839719 |  40.79431644605659
  12 |       12 |  619 | 10389 | 3.8659203494409344 |  47.79779239889631
  13 |       13 |  600 |    -1 |                  0 |  51.66371274833725
(13 rows)

Una query che usa l’identificatore OSM diventa:

FROM pgr_dijkstra(
  'SELECT gid as id,
          source_osm AS source, target_osm AS target,
          cost_s AS cost, reverse_cost_s AS reverse_cost
  FROM ways',
  81622364, 82708785,
  directed => false

Poiché la query usa i campi source_osm e target_osm, la query li aliasfica per avere i nomi richiesti source e target.

Il risultato è:

 seq | path_seq |    node    | edge  |        cost        |      agg_cost
   1 |        1 |   81622364 |  6199 |  8.994104012024671 |                  0
   2 |        2 | 1177972556 |   152 | 2.8524015038110697 |  8.994104012024671
   3 |        3 |   81622365 |   511 | 2.4123361340227754 |  11.84650551583574
   4 |        4 |   81917858 |   707 |   3.63955931676029 | 14.258841649858514
   5 |        5 |   82582021 |   705 | 2.9567136964053367 | 17.898400966618805
   6 |        6 |   82581909 |   662 |  4.185190538775397 | 20.855114663024143
   7 |        7 |   82571671 |   663 | 1.2667248968947813 |  25.04030520179954
   8 |        8 |   82581612 |   699 |  6.371427985640729 |  26.30703009869432
   9 |        9 |   82708510 |   913 | 2.5897354220718807 |  32.67845808433505
  10 |       10 |   82580320 |   693 | 5.5261229396496585 |  35.26819350640693
  11 |       11 |   97825917 |  2421 |  7.003475952839719 |  40.79431644605659
  12 |       12 |   82714784 | 10389 | 3.8659203494409344 |  47.79779239889631
  13 |       13 |   82708785 |    -1 |                  0 |  51.66371274833725
(13 rows)

I costi sono gli stessi della prima query

Una query per ottenere la geometria del percorso

I risultati di pgr_dijkstra devono essere uniti alla tabella ways.

SELECT seq, edge, rpad(b.the_geom::text,60,' ') AS "the_geom (truncated)"
FROM pgr_dijkstra(
  'SELECT gid as id,
          source, target,
          cost_s AS cost, reverse_cost_s AS reverse_cost
  FROM ways',
  100, 600,
  directed => false
) AS a
JOIN ways AS b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;

I risultati, per scopi visivi sono troncati qui, le geometrie sono molto più lunghe di quanto mostrato

 seq | edge  |                     the_geom (truncated)
   1 |  6199 | 0102000020E6100000050000009F3825C56C3C4DC0D8367B56884A41C011
   2 |   152 | 0102000020E610000003000000B586F7C19E3C4DC016A0127C784A41C034
   3 |   511 | 0102000020E610000002000000EFF7D566AD3C4DC09C267D6B714A41C04A
   4 |   707 | 0102000020E6100000060000004A247612B63C4DC0FA1F05F4674A41C052
   5 |   705 | 0102000020E610000003000000964E35C4C23C4DC0D81E076F594A41C095
   6 |   662 | 0102000020E610000002000000504FC4C7CC3C4DC00858AB764D4A41C01F
   7 |   663 | 0102000020E610000002000000408C6BD7DF3C4DC013ACBBC3374A41C01F
   8 |   699 | 0102000020E61000000300000082FD7C00F73C4DC0E44FAFEF1E4A41C017
   9 |   913 | 0102000020E610000002000000650D28E5FF3C4DC03D02C985144A41C082
  10 |   693 | 0102000020E610000002000000C761D5C5123D4DC060E05E3EFE4941C065
  11 |  2421 | 0102000020E610000003000000675F1ED72B3D4DC0A45F11B2E24941C05F
  12 | 10389 | 0102000020E6100000020000006CA9CD49393D4DC08E548440D34941C067
(12 rows)

Con il comando \q chiudi la shell di PostgreSQL.

E ora?