

Paikkatiedon työasemaohjelmisto

OpenJUMP is an easy to use and powerful desktop GIS that enables users to display, edit, analyse and conflate geographic data. It comes in a CORE and a PLUS edition, with the latter adding lots of useful plugins. OpenJUMP is excellent for data editing and rapid prototyping of GIS functions.

openjump screenshot

Features (Core Features and PlugIns*)

  • Data Formats

    • reads (files): GML, SHP, DXF+, MIF*, CSV+, KML+, OSM* & TIFF, ASCII grid, JPG, PNG, JPEG2000+, MrSID*, ECW+

    • reads (DB): PostGIS, ArcSDE*, Oracle*, MySQL*, SpatiaLite+, H2 Spatial+, MariaDB+

    • reads (OGC standards): WKT, WMS, KML+, GeoPackage

    • writes: GML, SHP, WKT, DXF+, CSV+, PostGIS & JPG, TIFF, ASCII grid*, SVG+

    • note, formats marked with a (*) require an additional plugin, and with (+) are part of the PLUS edition.

  • Editing & Conflation

    • drawing points, lines, polygons, multi-geometries, geometry collections and circles (eventually mixed in a single layer)

    • adding, moving, deleting vertices

    • rotating, scaling, auto-complete polygon

    • cut, merge, simplify polygons and lines

    • warping, quality assurance tools

    • coordinate conversions between CRS’

  • Analysis & Query

    • spatial and attribute query functions

    • analysis : buffer, union, overlay, centroid, convex hull…

    • statistics : length, area, layer statistics, attribute statistics, plots…

    • editing tools : converter, noder, polygonizer, planar graph, topology cleaning in PLUS edition, …

    • attribute transfer tools : join, matching*

    • SEXTANTE raster analysis toolbox included in PLUS edition

  • Customization

    • internationalization (cz, de, en, es, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, pt, ta, zh)

    • provides an API, scripting via BeanShell and Java Python/Ython

    • (Java) plugin-system

Toteutetut standardit

  • OGC standards supported: GML2, SFS, WMS, KML, SLD, GeoPackage (reading);


Website: http://www.openjump.org

Licence: GPL

Software Version: 1.15.1

** Tuetut käyttöjärjestelmät: ** Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix

Community Support: http://www.openjump.org/support.html

Commercial Support: https://ojwiki.soldin.de/index.php?title=Professional_Support_Page

Download Page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jump-pilot/files/
