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rasdaman Quickstart

rasdaman is a raster server allowing queries on n-D raster data stored in a standard relational database.

This Quick Start describes how to try out queries on a sandbox of raster objects. Before trying these examples, the rasdaman server has to be started (Geospatial -> Databases -> Rasdaman -> Start Rasdaman Server).

Exploring the 1-D to 4-D examples

  • Go to the EarthLook Earthlook demo to explore various demo data sets. The small ones are part of OSGeo-Live, those utilizing larger sets forward directly to the Earthlook site .

Running queries locally

  • Open a console and open the sample database installed locally

  • use the rasql utility to send queries and receive results, for example:

    $ rasql -q "select png( + ) from rgb" --out file
  • use your favorite image inspection tool to open the file generated.

Create your own database

  • Open a console

  • Download and install rasdaman and its prerequisites

  • run the demo ingestion script:

  • use the rasql utility to send queries and receive results, for example:

    $ rasql -q "select png( + ) from rgb" --out file

Things to Try

Here are some additional challenges for you to try:

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