pgRouting is an extension and adds routing functionality to PostGIS/PostgreSQL databases.
This Quick Start describes how to open a database with the command line and run a basic shortest path query with the sample test data.
psql -U user pgrouting
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | classes | table | user
public | geography_columns | view | user
public | geometry_columns | table | user
public | nodes | table | user
public | spatial_ref_sys | table | user
public | types | table | user
public | vertices_tmp | table | user
public | vertices_tmp_id_seq | sequence | user
public | ways | table | user
(9 rows)
SELECT * FROM shortest_path('
SELECT gid as id,
length::double precision as cost
FROM ways',
100, 600, false, false);
vertex_id | edge_id | cost
100 | 1457 | 0.0152981335887719
554 | 543 | 0.0658986376594475
553 | 542 | 0.0720522950545032
... | ... | ...
1803 | 1902 | 0.1000754339802650
600 | -1 | 0
(77 rows)
SELECT gid, AsText(the_geom) AS the_geom
FROM dijkstra_sp('ways', 100, 600);
gid | the_geom
533 | MULTILINESTRING((-105.0205242 39.7613979,-105.0205115 39.7620158))
534 | MULTILINESTRING((-105.0205115 39.7620158,-105.0205151 39.7632155))
535 | MULTILINESTRING((-105.0205151 39.7632155,-105.0205098 39.764433))
... | ...
9395 | MULTILINESTRING((-104.9921535 39.7209342,-104.9921516 39.722527))
9400 | MULTILINESTRING((-104.9921793 39.7147876,-104.9923595 39.714781))
(76 rows)
To update to the latest version of the tutorial, open a terminal window, then run sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pgrouting-workshop