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Spatial Database

SpatiaLite is an SQLite database engine with spatial functions added.

SQLite is a popular DBMS, simple, robust, easy to use and really lightweight. Each SQLite database is simply a file; you can freely copy it, compress it, send it on a LAN or WEB with no complication at all.

The files are also portable; the same database file will work on Windows, Linux, MacOs etc.


Core Features

The SpatiaLite extension enables SQLite to support spatial data conformant to OGC specifications.

  • Supports standard WKT and WKB formats
  • Implements SQL spatial functions such as AsText(), GeomFromText(), Area(), PointN() and alike
  • The complete set of OpenGis functions is supported via GEOS, this comprehending sophisticated spatial analysis functions such as Overlaps(), Touches(), Union(), Buffer() ..
  • Supports full Spatial metadata along the OpenGis specifications
  • Supports alternative Geometry notations - EWKT, GML, KML, and GeoJSON
  • Supports importing and exporting to shapefiles
  • Supports coordinate reprojection via PROJ.4 and EPSG geodetic parameters dataset
  • Supports locale charsets via GNU libiconv
  • Implements a true Spatial Index based on the SQLite’s RTree extension
  • The VirtualShape extension enables SQLite to access shapefiles as VIRTUAL TABLEs
  • You can then perform standard SQL queries on external shapefiles, with no need for importing or converting them
  • The VirtualText extension enables SQLite to access CSV/TxtTab files as VIRTUAL TABLEs
  • The VirtualXL extension enables SQLite to access xls spreadsheet tables as VIRTUAL TABLEs
  • You can then perform standard SQL queries on external CSV/TxtTab files or Excel tables, with no need for importing or converting them
  • The GUI tool supports all this, in an user friendly way



Licence: MPL v1.1 and GPL v3

Software Version: spatialite 3.0.0 / librasterlite 1.0 / spatialite-gui 1.3.0 / spatialite-gis 1.0.0

Supported Platforms: Linux, Mac, Windows

API Interfaces: C++

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