The 52°North SOS is a web service, that allows you to provide and collect spatial sensor data (including metadata and measurements/observations).
(If the service is not reachable, try to start the Tomcat servlet engine following the steps at the bottom of this page.)
Fig. 1: 52°North SOS test client - welcome page
Fig. 2: 52°North SOS - GetCapabilities response (XML encoded)
user@osgeolive:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 status
* Tomcat servlet engine is running with pid 1234 <-- Tomcat is running
* Tomcat servlet engine is not running. <-- Tomcat not runing, so please start:
user@osgeolive:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start
* Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomcat6 [ OK ] <-- Tomcat is running, now
Listing 1: Tomcat Status and Start (password for sudo: user)