t-rex Quickstart¶
t-rex is a vector tile server specialized on publishing MVT tiles from your own data.
This Quick Start describes how to:
- generate vector tiles without configuration and inspect them with built-in viewers
- generate a tile cache
Start T-Rex¶
from the menu.This starts t-rex in zero-config mode connecting to PostGIS database osm_local. A browser window is opened showing the t-rex backend.
Built-in viewers¶
t-rex comes with built-in viewers for inspecting generated vector tiles.
- Click on th X-Ray entry in the upper right menu to open the x-ray viewer.
- Hover the mouse on a line to inspect the content of a feature.
Try also the other viewers.
The Mapbox GL viewer and Maputnik require WebGL support, which is probably not available when running OSGeoLive in a VM.
Cache seeding¶
- Close the browser and the terminal window running t-rex.
- Open any text editor (e.g. ).
- Create the file “ne.toml” in your home directory:
Put the following content in it:
viewer = true
dbconn = "postgresql://user:user@localhost/natural_earth2"
name = "dbconn"
default = true
predefined = "web_mercator"
name = "ne_countries"
extent = [-180.00000, -90.00000, 180.00000, 83.63410]
minzoom = 0
maxzoom = 6
name = "country"
geometry_field = "geom"
geometry_type = "MULTIPOLYGON"
srid = 4326
buffer_size = 3
#make_valid = true
simplify = false
sql = """SELECT geom, adm0_a3, mapcolor7 FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries WHERE the_geom && !bbox!"""
base = "/home/user/mvtcache"
baseurl = "http://example.com/tiles"
# Bind address. Use to listen on all adresses.
bind = ""
port = 6767
path = "/static"
dir = "./static/"
Open a terminal (
) and type:t_rex generate --config ne.toml --maxzoom 4 2>/dev/null
To inspect the generated tiles type:
find mvtcache
What next?¶
To create your own map viewer you can use the snippets on the info page in the t-rex backend.
After that you can use the built-in Maputnik editor (also linked from the info page) to create your own Mapbox GL Json style.
- Website: https://t-rex.tileserver.ch/
- Support: https://github.com/t-rex-tileserver/t-rex/