Change language or keyboard type

Switching Language

Many common languages are included on OSGeoLive. To switch languages:

  1. Log out
  2. Select user=”user”, password=”user”
  3. Select another language from the top panel menu.
  4. Press the Log in button.
  5. Repeat the process if needed or if you wish to change languages again.
login screen

The system menus and many of the applications will now appear in the language chosen. If a specific program continues to display in English, then the program doesn’t have a translation available - please consider volunteering to write a translation. Contact the program of interest directly for more information.

For additional languages see Preferences ‣ Language Support from the main menu. (Requires an internet connection).

Keyboard Support

International keyboard support is installed, but you will need to configure the system for your specific keyboard. To change settings open Preferences ‣ Keyboard Input Methods from the main menu and click on the Input Method tab. Next click on Customize active input methods and then on the Select an input method button. Now click the Add button on the right to add an additional layout and then Close the IBus Preferences window.

You can now click on the keyboard icon on the lower desktop menu bar to select the active keyboard layout.