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pgRouting 快速入门

  pgRouting 是 PostGIS/PostgreSQL 数据库的路径功能插件。


运行 pgRouting

  • Applications ‣ Accessories ‣ Terminal 终端连接 pgrouting 数据库:
psql -U user pgrouting
  • 输入 \d 命令显示数据库中的表:
                      List of relations
 Schema |        Name         |   Type   |  Owner
 public | classes               | table | user
 public | geography_columns   | view    | user
 public | geometry_columns      | table | user
 public | nodes                 | table | user
 public | spatial_ref_sys       | table | user
 public | types                 | table | user
 public | vertices_tmp          | table | user
 public | vertices_tmp_id_seq | sequence | user
 public | ways                  | table | user
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  • 执行 Dijkstra 最短距离查询:
SELECT * FROM shortest_path('
                SELECT gid as id,
                         length::double precision as cost
                        FROM ways',
                100, 600, false, false);
     vertex_id | edge_id |       cost
           100 |    1457 |  0.0152981335887719
           554 |     543 |  0.0658986376594475
           553 |     542 |  0.0720522950545032
           ... |     ... |  ...
          1803 |    1902 |  0.1000754339802650
           600 |      -1 |                   0
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  • 另一种输出格式:
SELECT gid, AsText(the_geom) AS the_geom
        FROM dijkstra_sp('ways', 100, 600);
  gid   |                              the_geom
    533 | MULTILINESTRING((-105.0205242 39.7613979,-105.0205115 39.7620158))
    534 | MULTILINESTRING((-105.0205115 39.7620158,-105.0205151 39.7632155))
    535 | MULTILINESTRING((-105.0205151 39.7632155,-105.0205098 39.764433))
        ... | ...
   9395 | MULTILINESTRING((-104.9921535 39.7209342,-104.9921516 39.722527))
   9400 | MULTILINESTRING((-104.9921793 39.7147876,-104.9923595 39.714781))
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  • 输入 \q 离开 PostgreSQL 界面。


  • pgRouting 网站 - 显示了更多有关该项目的信息。
  • Live 讨论会专题 - 在 Live DVD 上包含了 FOSS4G 2010 pgRouting 讨论会 “FOSS4G routing with pgRouting tools, OpenStreetMap road data and GeoExt” 的介绍,文件位于 /usr/share/pgrouting/workshop/